Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Traveling Paper Cranes

The cranes have started out. I've added India to my list of places that I hope to get pictures from My contact there is super busy though, so we'll see if she can fit it into her schedule.
In the meantime, here are the first two pictures...
Laura with a crane at the Jack Daniels distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee

Next, we've got one of the cranes relaxing with the Peabody Ducks in Memphis, Tennessee. This picture was taken during brunch with the whole family before Dad's ceremony at Millington. I got another picture, but the brown duck was diving for food so we got a great picture of her little ducky bum.

The Arthur Glassman Appreciation Day went really well. All three of Dad's siblings made it. In order, the siblings are: Herby (78), Graham (75), Francis (70), and Dad (62). Graham lives in North Carolina with his wife Margaret. Herby and his wife Marlene, and Francis and her partner Shirley all live near Atlanta. So everyone had long drives to come up and see us. My Mom's friend Kate also came to be with us. That much family was exciting, but also tiring. There was so much to catch up on.

(Graham & Dad at the Peabody)

(Daddy & Francis at the Peabody)

Friday, November 12, 2010


Quick crane update. We are at 437 cranes!!!
My traveling Paper Crane Project is doing well. I've got cranes on their way to several states, the Virgin Islands, Equador, and Paris. I've got some of the smaller cranes sprayed down with a clear sealant and I'm going to try to get a few pairs of earrings made this weekend.
I'm in Memphis with Dad for the weekend. Dad worked as the administartor of a nursing home up here for ten years. On Sunday, his bosses are dedicating a wing of the building to him. All three of his siblings are coming in for it as well as lots of friends.
I'll post lots of pictures Sunday night or Monday when I get back home.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Birthdays & Travel Plans

So, I haven't caught up in a while because I've been at Dad's house in Memphis for his 62nd birthday party. He doesn't have wifi and I love this blog, but I'm not updating it from my phone.
The current crane count is 412! This is so awesome. It's so awesome that I've come up with a new idea. I want to expand. To build upon our success! I want the cranes to travel to all 50 states! If you've already got cranes then take a picture with a) a recognizable landmark or b) a roadsign or c) something that typifies the state and email it to me, post it on my facebook wall, or tweet it with my twitter id in it(medusasmirror).
So far; AL, MA and SC are all accounted for, but I'd love to get multiple pictures from each state so don't hesitate to participate just because you're in a state that's already claimed. And if you've got friends or relatives in unclaimed states get the on board too! I'm going to need lots of help on this one.
I'll write more about the weekend with dad later.